How to recognize the signs of baby reflux.

How to recognize the signs of baby reflux.

Recognizing the signs of reflux can be hard on a new parent, especially since babies can’t tell you what’s wrong. Reflux babies typically fuss or show discomfort after eating and often spit up frequently. It helps to know what to look for if your baby is showing some of these signs.

First, let’s talk about the symptoms of reflux. The most common sign is spitting up. Other symptoms include irritability, excessive/frequent hiccups and colic, swallowing noises (gurgling), poor feeding and weight loss. Babies with reflux may also have a swollen or bloated belly, difficulty sleeping due to discomfort, and excessively pulling off their clothes because they’re too hot. Babies with GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) will also typically have trouble feeding from their bottle or breast at first because they are in pain from the acid buildup in their stomachs. They’ll pull off the bottle or breast, arch their backs and cry—they may even vomit or aspirate the milk into their lungs (which could lead to pneumonia).


Reflux is a common condition among infants, and it’s important to recognize the signs so that you can get your child the help he or she needs. Reflux is when stomach contents come back up into your baby’s esophagus and irritate it, causing coughing, gagging, and trouble eating. This can be uncomfortable for your baby and worrisome for you.

Recognize the signs of reflux in your baby:

-Coughing after feeds

-Gagging on feeds

-Frequent hiccups

-Refusing to eat

As a parent, there are some things you can do to help relieve symptoms of reflux:  -Hold your baby upright after feeding until burps come naturally -Feed your baby slowly -If burps don’t come naturally after feeding, gently rub your baby’s tummy in a clockwise direction (toward the right side of his tummy) until they do. This helps to clear out the excess air in his stomach. -Breastfeed as often as possible -Offer solids according to the instructions of your healthcare provider -Try keeping your baby upright for 5 – 10 minutes after waking up from a nap or cribtime if he seems fussy or gassy -Avoid tight clothes


Reflux is the term medical professionals use to describe the condition that occurs when a baby’s digestive system backs up into their throat. This causes discomfort and pain, which are made worse by the fact that babies can’t yet communicate how they’re feeling.

Reflux is not fun for anyone involved—it’s painful for the baby as well as stressful for parents. The most common cause of reflux is a condition called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which involves chronic irritation of the stomach lining due to acid from the stomach leaking upward and irritating the throat. Babies with GERD usually start showing symptoms around 4-6 weeks old. It can be difficult to tell if your child has reflux, though, so here are some signs to look out for:

  1. Trouble swallowing

If your baby isn’t gaining weight or seems to be having trouble eating or keeping milk down, they might have reflux. If they have frequent spit ups or vomit frequently, it could be a sign that their food is coming back up too soon.

  1. Excessive crying

Babies often cry more than adults realize, but if you notice that your baby is crying more than usual, especially during feedings or right after eating,

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